Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Murdoch testifies to shut down US employer donors? Millbank on Beck "conspiracy theories"


Murdoch testified in Congress urging Congress to make it impossible
for employers to hire illegals, but do his on-air talent ever discuss
that side of this issue of American citizen employers breaking the law
on Fox News?

...in any of our biggest subsidized shareholder industries like
corporate agriculture and food processing (also big $$$ advertisers)
from which we all benefit every day?  In big wealthy states like Texas
which has the largest % of illegals working in very profitable

Or, does Fox ever talk about the business models of behind-the-scenes
funders and backers to the Politicians who created and passed NAFTA?

...which floods Mexico and other countries with US subsidized (but
more "efficient" eh?) corn? sugar? powdered milk? and other foodstuffs
putting their farmers out of business?

Did those donors get their way to flood Mexico with their products,
even though they never created the maquiladora jobs that were supposed
to go along with that NAFTA deal?

Did these corporate Political backers then decide China was too good
to pass up? so put their money there instead?

Does Fox ever talk about the hidden issue of decades of Latin American
money plowed into our Stock Market by private banks that setup this
chronic and endemic unemployment situation in the first place for
people all over Latin America for decades? Miami was a sleepy town
with hanging moss and mint juleps on front porches said my grandfather
who lived there in the 1920s as a little boy. What changed? Where did
all that money come from?

So, the Feds will now come after campaign donors with their automatic
weapons and flack jackets in early morning raids?

...in places like Naples, FL?

The answer to all these questions is NO!

So, Murdoch cleans himself up in official testimony while the Elves
are back at the Factory doing the PSYOPS* on the nation using FCC
licenses and cable news franchises!  While he sits in regular Board
meetings to get regular reports about profits and Nielsen ratings for
all programming on Fox, and as a result his money gets paid out for
Beck's impossible to miss estate in Greenwich, CT? Can you believe he
doesn't know the selective and deliberately misleading contents of
this profitable programming?

And now, Murdoch is officially supportive of immigration reform and
coming down on US employers, while he profits from fear mongering,
racebaiting, and xenophobia about this very profitable issue, for
everyone involved?

The world is making much of this game playing by these Billionaire
Magicians covering their trails today testifying in Congress peppering
the official record, despite their actions, with official statements
for all posterity (and all future history writers)! Where is "personal
responsibility" when Conservatives are on the hook for crimes?

Everybody's watching every step of this constructed melt down here. In
fact, everybody but us knows how easy it is for Plutocrats to move the
voters in the United States any way they want to under this media,
campaign finance, and "money as political speech" regime allowed by
this Supreme Court, and now exacerbated by their "Citizens United vs
Federal Board of Elections". Benjamin Netanyahu sure knows and got
caught on video ten years ago saying as much: "I know what America is.
America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right
direction. They won’t get in [our] way,” (Benjamin Netanyahu,
Washington Post, July 16, 2010).

Don't worry Bibi, we know it isn't you moving us so easily. Nobody can
do it alone without complicit American Plutocrats legally paying their
way through Pols and Supreme Court Justices for more war profits and
whatever else they want from the people of the Middle East, and
everywhere especially here!

That Court makes sure that congress exists only for them to take all
they want in the first place, and then use it again to cover their
trails with official testimony! All the while, that Court also makes
sure FCC licenses and cable channels are free for Plutos to use to
stir-the-pot against hapless Americans who are supposed to use
"personal responsibility" and "self-determination" to protect their
own rights, life-and-limb, and property??? under this interpretation
of the US Constitution???


And here, useful insights into the Murdoch Empire from Dana Millbank,
about Beck peddling "conspiracy theories", while even the conspiracy
theory experts in academia don't finger this incredible source of fear mongering
and "speech to incite violence" as an important target for action. The numbers of
hate groups and hate crimes amongst the most economically disadvantaged are
now rising, but activists aren't compelled to shut down with campaigns and direct
legal action these nefarious media sources of conspiracy and
disinformation? The Pittsburgh murder with Bill O'Reilly comes up here!


These people in these corporations and on the Boards have always known
exactly what they're seeding when they put people like Beck or Father
Coughlin on the airwaves. And, they know exactly what to say and when
to say it to distance themselves from it all, and absolve themselves
of any personal responsibility as nastiness unfolds!

They also know that this Supreme Court's convenient narrow
interpretation of "speech to incite violence" is useful so tools like
Beck or O'Reilly (and their owners on BODs) stand very little chance
of getting their fingerprints on any blood in John Roberts' USA!
Protecting such users of speech to incite violence is the only thing
this narrow interpretation serves. And Millbank's questioner is well
schooled in that logic (he wouldn't be there otherwise), which he
makes sure he points out to the viewers just to seed doubt in their
minds!  In Europe, where they've already lived through this precise
abuse of "free speech" in much less advanced times, it is no longer
this way!

But, looks like some of them know the days are smooth sailing are
numbered and may be getting ready to throw Beck under the bus. People
need to distance themselves and run for the clear, so the dominoes
start to fall one-by-one like they always do.

No worries, this kind of job always finishes itself once its started!
The wheels are well in motion...


Similar to allowing a university to use tax-exempt money to produce
and promulgate outdated and now known to be incomplete oversimplified
economics ideologies that justify decades of damaging moves by
Politicians serving their Top Tax-Rate Donors, and then once the s*&t
hits the fan state publicly that "we are against bigotry", and our
Muslim students are from countries friendly to our government! All
part and parcel to the whole Murdoch Affair because they justified and
helped create the economic conditions on the ground into which the
profitable media PSYOPS* have always played in times like these. And
from which the Top owners have always benefited!  They have a low
profile for now! But, sooner or later all the institutions in this web
that willingly or unwittingly contributed to this mess while taking
tax-exempt money ostensibly to serve the general public interest will
be outed!

And speaking of "free market" ideologies, Americans are now learning
for themselves what it means and feels like when money gets zapped out
of this country for foreign stock markets with brighter
futures...called "free market" around here, so lump it!

We'll have much more in common now with the poor Mexicans (not the
rich ones!)...

*PSYOPS in this case privatized and outsourced to the corporate sector
to do as the economically strong BOD and owners will without any
oversight by any Democratically elected body charged to protect the
economically weak! That is called "free speech" and "individual
liberty" in this country, just in case anyone would ever question
whether or not that kind of manipulation and divide-and-rule using
broadcast licenses by the "Few Really Paying And In Power" is really
illegal in civilized countries!

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